When you really think about it, we are being influenced every day!  Almost all of our decisions are influenced by something or someone.  We are influenced through, word of mouth, seeing a branded billboard, or scrolling through social media. Is that not the reason you are having an event in the first place? You want to influence your audience to be a part of your brand.

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What is an influencer?

An influencer is someone who can easily make or break your brand.  Influencers are viewed as a credible source and impact the opinions and behaviors of their audience. Believe it or not, there is more than one type of influencer:

  • Mega Influencer: Celebrities, Musicians, Athletes, Social media personalities
  • Macro Influencer: Bloggers, Executives, Journalists
  • Micro Influencer: Everyday consumers and Employees

What are the benefits of working with an Influencer?

Most influencers have a large loyal following.  There are many benefits your brand can gain by working with the right influencer:

  • Create content
  • Earn credibility
  • Exposure to their audience
  • Save money
  • Focused and relevant
  • Avoids adblocking

An influencer should be involved from pre-event to post-event.  Pre-event they can begin to generate buzz on their social media by talking about how excited they are to be working with your brand on the future event. During the event, they can create their own content that is relevant to their audience, and finally; post-event they can continue the conversation about how much fun they had working with your brand.

How do you know which influencer is best for your brand?

Before you go and contact every influencer you come across on social media, take a step back and ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are they relevant to my brand?
  • Who is their audience?
  • How often do they engage with their audience?
  • Are they authentic?
  • What is their price?

It’s important you ask yourself the above questions!  You want to make sure your consumer sees you as a trustworthy brand. This will come about from partnering with an influencer who is relevant to your brand. By doing so, the connection will come off as authentic and trusted to your consumer. Make sure you do your research and see what influencers are already using your brand’s products. You might be surprised to see that certain influencers are already fans of your brand !

All influencers come at a price. The price depends on the  influencer you decide to work with.  The price can range from wanting free product to upwards of  $500,000 for an appearance.

The next time you are planning an experiential event, think about how you can make it more engaging and memorable by working with an influencer. Working with the right one  can take your branded event to new heights!